Wednesday, May 26, 2010


The purpose of this blog is to serve as a site for encouragement. I have done the 90days of P90X and learned alot about myself and how strong I am mentally and physically throughout these 90 days. I have gone through so many different diets, workouts, etc; but nothing has changed me and "sparked" in me quite like P90X. Its not that you have to motivate yourself to stay active, its that you totally become a new being in that all you can ask from yourself is to attain the highest physical well being that your body is capable of. Tony Horton is not just some guy on your DVD, he is a positive imprint on your life.

I hope that whoever trys this program will feel the same way and I want to be there for anyone who has braved it enough to start this 90 day journey.......because I truly believe the first day of P90X is the last day of your unenlightened life!

Feel free share your misery, excitement, tears, fears, whatever on this blog.....thats what we are here for!